Each package is tailored to suit different stages and needs within the recovery program journey, from those seeking an introduction to the program to individuals dedicated to a deep and fully supported Saved and Sober community.

Basic Subscription

The Basic package offers ongoing access to the 12 Steps of Recovery Course, enabling members to engage with core recovery principles. Subscribers also gain entry into the Saved and Sober Community and can participate in monthly live calls, offering support and fellowship. This package is suited for individuals looking for structured recovery guidance and peer support.


Premium Subscription

Building on the Basic package, the Premium subscription includes all the features of the Basic plan with the addition of the 12 Step Lesson Guide and associated videos. Subscribers also get access to forthcoming lesson guides, enhancing their learning and application of recovery principles. This package is ideal for those who seek a deeper understanding and practical application of the 12 Steps in their recovery journey.



The All Access package provides the most comprehensive support and resources within the Saved and Sober Recovery Program. It encompasses all the benefits of the Premium package, plus exclusive features such as official program certification/training, a dedicated location webpage/social media support, and personalized coaching/support. This top-tier package is designed forย a church committed to a fully immersive recovery experience, offering the highest level of guidance, support, and community engagement.


Saved and Sober Bible Study

The Bible Study package is a foundational offering designed for individuals seeking an introductory understanding of the principles behind the Saved and Sober Recovery Program. It does not include access to the 12 Steps of Recovery Course, community support, or additional resources but serves as a starting point for those interested in exploring recovery through faith.